Post By: admin

Driving tips for flooded roads

Driving on flooded roads can be dangerous. Here are some pointers for staying safe and avoiding damage to your car’s engine There’s one thing we can all be sure of living in Kenya: rain. While…

Fire safety at home

A roaring fire in the evenings; it’s a classic scene of home life. As picturesque as it is, fire inherently comes with its risks. From fireplaces to cookers and portable heaters, fire safety should be…

Steps to Follow after an accident

Thare are various types of motor accidents. These accidents include: Self-Involvement accident, Accident involving a vehicle and pedestrian, Accident with another vehicle and a hijacked Car. Self-involvement accident occurs when insured vehicle is involved in…

Driving tips for flooded roads

Driving on flooded roads can be dangerous. Here are some pointers for staying safe and avoiding damage to your car’s engine There’s one thing we can all be sure of living in Kenya: rain. While…

Tips to Prevent Car Theft

Tips to Prevent Car Theft There has been an increase in the number of insured cars being stolen in Kenya, therefore it is crucial to make sure you’re one step ahead of the thieves. We…

How to Check a Car history

It is Estimated that new cars lose up to 20% of their value the moment they leave the showroom, so it’s no surprise that second-hand shopping is so popular.However if you’re buying a second-hand –…