What Is Motor Vehicle Inspection?
This is an exercise to confirm and document the existence of a motor vehicle, its condition, existing options and accessories.
Importance of Motor vehicle inspection in insurance industry
Motor vehicle inspection serves as an effective mechanism against those intending to make dishonest financial gains by committing vehicle insurance frauds like:
· Claiming for damage that existed before the purchase of new insurance policy
· Getting insurance for a vehicle which has been salvaged
· False theft claims.
· Filing claims for motor vehicle that do not exist among others.
When is Motor Vehicle Inspection necessary for insurance company?
Motor vehicle inspection is necessary when you are buying new insurance policy for your vehicle. Besides, insurance company may require a vehicle inspection at times:
1. When you are renewing your policy and there is a break in the insurance policy, it means you have been unable to renew your policy in the stipulated time leading to a Lapse of coverage.
2. If there is a change in the type of policy
3. If there is a change in the policy owner or in case you have added new accessories/equipment in you car and you would like them to be covered.
Motor Vehicle Inspection Center for Occidental Insurance
Our Motor vehicle inspection center is located at Crescent Business Centre 2nd Floor Parklands Road, Parklands. This Center caters for those within Nairobi Region and its environs. However, if you are not located within Nairobi region, our company arranges for your vehicle inspection without necessarily having to come to Nairobi.
Motor Inspection Officer Contacts
Before you bring your vehicle for inspection call our motor inspection officer and make arrangement with him. You can reach our Motor Inspection officer via the following phone Number:
0798 315 734 – Wambua Malii
Motor Inspection Charges
This is a free service, Occidental Insurance Company Limited does not charge for Motor Inspection Services.