Travel Insurance Frequently Asked Questions

This section provides answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about our travel insurance.

1. Why do you need Travel Insurance?

  • If something goes wrong without travel insurance, one can get stranded on foreign shores, e.g. sickness,
  • Many foreign countries require mandatory insurance cover before granting visas,

2. Is medical examination necessary / a prerequisite for travel policy?

No, only for special cases, e.g. persons over 70 years

3. When should I get travel insurance?

  • As soon as you have booked your trip (tickets, hotel).
  • This is because it is possible you might have to cancel your trip after booking but before you’ve actually left.

4. Can you extend travel insurance?

Yes, you can extend your policy if you are delayed getting home for an unforeseen circumstance.

5. Does my standard Medical &Personal Accident policies not cover me when abroad?

  • Most regular Health and Personal Accident Insurance plans provide partial or no coverage while you are traveling in another country
  • Local policies rarely have international networks, contacts, trust
  • If any covers, then “Contribution Clause” arises

6. Does travel insurance cover multiple countries?

Yes, except the country in which you live. However, there may be exclusions in cases where the destination of travel may be the subject of war and terrorism

7. What about Travel Advisory Warnings?

  • The insurance becomes invalid.
  • Such warnings advise against all but “essential” travel, and holidays, business and related activities are not considered ‘essential

8. When is Premium payable?

  • Premium payable before / at commencement of cover,
  • Premium payment never on account or within the credit facility of intermediaries,
  • Payable in Kshs, USD or Euros

9.When does the policy coverage commence and end?

  • Policy commences upon issuance/payment of premium and as indicated in the Certificate of the Policy.
  • Cover ceases upon arrival of the Country of Residence or expiry, whichever comes first,
  • Period of Insurance is in any case not renewable.

10.Does the policy include PVTR ?

  • Yes, at an additional premium.

11. Does the policy cover Covid-19 ?

Yes, upon premium loading of 10% (under negotiation).

12. Where do you call in case of an emergency?

Assistance Company International Helpline

  Telephone No.:  + 44 845 217 1379,

  Email:,   and

Insured to provide:

  • Passport or Identity card number.
  • Assistance card or Policy number.
  • Full name of the injured and the principal insured.
  • The cause of the call.
  • The place he/she are located (Hotel/City/Address/Phone number)